The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Deficit Of Lm1.1 million for sporting organisations in 2005

Malta Independent Saturday, 14 October 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

A total of 102,900 people were members of 436 sports organisations in Malta and Gozo, which employed a total of 1,352 people and had a financial deficit of Lm1.1 million in 2005, the National Statistics Office said yesterday.

There were 436 active sports organisations in Malta and Gozo in 2005, including all associations and related companies. The largest proportion comprised football clubs.

The number of members in 2005 stood at 102,887, of whom 81.0 per cent were male. The largest proportion of members was aged between 15 and 29, while the 60+ age group comprised the smallest proportion. In 2005, 25.5 per cent of the total population were members of a sports organisation.

The largest proportion of members belonged to a football club, followed by other sports clubs.

Badminton and cycling clubs had the lowest percentage of members. Participants in sports activities in this same year totalled 67,650, of whom the majority took part in football.

A total of 1,352 people were employed by sports organisations in 2005, of whom 70.9 per cent worked on a part-time basis. The majority comprised sports personnel, including paid players. A further 3,925 people were volunteers in sports organisations in this same year, 58.5 per cent being committee members.

Income in 2005 totalled nearly Lm4.5 million – the largest share emanating from membership fees, followed by services provided (such as the use of sports facilities).

Total recurrent expenditure amounted to Lm5.5 million, of which Lm1.7 million went towards staff wages, salaries and payments to players. This resulted in a net loss of just under Lm1.1 million in the year under review.

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