The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Turning The page

Malta Independent Tuesday, 9 January 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

A new year is like a new chapter in a story. It is a continuation of the previous one that brings new changes and new challenges. This New Year, Malta will start reaping the fruit of our hard work. A year that brings with it alterations, both on a local and international scene. Changes we should learn from so that we will be prepared for future challenges

On 1 January 2007, the European Union went through another enlargement process with the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania as new member states. It is an enlargement that expanded the European Union borders further to the east. Being a member of the EU-Bulgaria joint Parliamentary Committee, I am very pleased of the success achieved by this country. It is a country that in a few years managed to change from a dictatorial political system led by a communist regime to a country that aspired and managed to become a member of this union based on democracy and solidarity.

Malta will be the first country to use the new European Union budget. After the hard work done by the government, we managed to obtain the necessary approval to start the work on the proposed projects. These projects will eventually lead our country to having better infrastructure, environment, education system and all that is needed to live a better life. This is all thanks to a collective courageous decision taken three years ago, a “Yes” vote in a referendum that guaranteed an improvement in our lives and a better country for future generations.

During this year, the informative campaign being carried out by the National Euro Changeover Committee – NECC will gain full force. This will be a campaign that will lead us to our next goal – the adoption of the euro in January 2008. Thanks to the introduction of the euro, Maltese businesses will have favourable changes to compete in the international markets.

Monday 1 January 2007 was also the day for the adoption of the euro in Slovenia, a member state that joined the European Union together with Malta in May 2004. Primary indications are showing that the euro was accepted well all over the country.

Another important event for the European Union is the German presidency. With plans that will be focusing on illegal migration and the revival of the European Constitution, big challenges lie ahead. If the constitution is adopted, among other things, Malta will benefit from having a sixth representative at the European Parliament. This will surely be another voice to represent the Maltese citizens.

The work that has been carried out during last year will continue during this year. After the reply I received from European Commissioner Frattini, I am looking forward for the action that will be proposed by the Commission with regard to irregular migration. The first step is the setting up of the permanent surveillance of the Mediterranean Sea borders by Frontex following the positive results that were achieved by the pilot project carried out during summer 2006. This, followed by the changes needed in the Dublin II regulations, will aid Malta to deal with irregular migration and human traffickers better.

Another 12 months of hard work are waiting for us. 12 months of challenges to improve our country and marketing our abilities to attract investment that will solidify our economy. Only by being united and prepared we may achieve all our goals and improve our country and our lives.

I conclude by wishing you a belated happy and prosperous New Year.

Nationalist MEP David Casa will be launching his new website next Friday –

[email protected]

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