The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Lunchtime Concert features saxophone and piano duet

Malta Independent Friday, 16 March 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The next lunchtime concert, which will take place on Wednesday, will feature saxophone player Angelo Borg and pianist Marco Rivoltini. Lunchtime concerts, organised by the Malta Council for Culture and the Arts, take place at the Music Room, St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity in Valletta.

The performance starts at 12.30pm and lasts approximately 30 minutes. Tickets at Lm1 and Lm0.50 each for children under 12 and persons over 60 can be purchased from the booking office at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Valletta, telephone 2122-3200 (opening hours from 10am to 9pm daily).

Angelo Borg and Marco Rivoltini will perform a series of pieces for saxophone and piano, namely Maurice Ravel’s Piece En Forme De Habanera, Canzonetta by Gabriel Pierne, Concertante by Clare Grundman, Paul Bonneau’s suite for alto saxophone and piano, and Lully’s Air Tendre et Courante. Mr Borg will also be performing an alto saxophone solo, Ryo Noda’s Improvisation 1.

Angelo Borg started his musical education nine years ago, attending practical piano and theory lessons by Mro Joseph Tonna. He shortly afterwards started lessons in alto saxophone with Mro Archibald Mizzi, and furthered his musical technique and interpretation under the tuition of Mr Ivan Borg. Mr Borg performs as an alto saxophone soloist in several band clubs in Malta, and is a member of the National Youth Orchestra. He is also a member of the Berlioz Saxophone Quartet as a soprano saxophone. He enjoys interpreting music of various genres, although his speciality is the classical saxophone.

Currently, Mr Borg is following chamber music lessons at the Johann Strauss School of Music and he plays in the school’s saxophone trio conducted by Mro Joseph Vella.

Marco Rivoltini graduated in pianoforte at the A. Boito Conservatory of Parma, in chamber music at the Accademia di Firenze, and with the Trio di Trieste at the International School of Chamber Music.

Mr Rivoltini has won various competitions both as a soloist and as part of a piano duet, including those of Sesto San Giovanni, Stresa, Macugnaga, Tagliolo Monferrato, and the international competitions of San Bartolomeo, San Gemini and Asti. He has performed in Italy, France, Syria, England, New York and Malta, where he has also played with the National Orchestra on various occasions.

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