The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Digital Radio broadcasting regulations

Malta Independent Thursday, 9 August 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

Following agreement with the Broadcasting Authority, the Prime Minister has approved new regulations to enable the Broadcasting Authority to license broadcasting content on the new digital radio platform. The approval is in terms of Legal Notice 199 of 2007.

These regulations lay out the procedure that the Broadcasting Authority will be following when licensing digital radio stations. In addition, the regulations set out the text of the application form that will have to be completed when applying for a digital radio station from the Broadcasting Authority, as well as the fees applicable.

Although the regulations have been published in the Malta Government Gazette of Friday, 27 July 2007, they will come into force on 1 October. They have been published as early as possible prior to their entry into force so that potential applicants will have had ample time to consider them and to complete the relative application form.

The Broadcasting Authority will attempt to process the applications in the shortest possible time frame. It has appealed to all prospective applicants to obtain a copy of the Digital Radio Broadcasting Regulations, 2007, as early as possible and to go through them. Should potential applicants encounter any difficulties when completing the application, or need any further clarification, they should get in touch with the authority’s chief executive.

A copy of the Digital Radio Broadcasting Regulations, 2007 is available on the Broadcasting Authority’s website The application form and list of charges can be downloaded from the website.

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