The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Avventuri mill-Klassi ta’ Miss Ambrożja Pulis Kiftaranipenġini

Malta Independent Thursday, 22 August 2013, 10:53 Last update: about 11 years ago

A new story for children set partly on a remote tropical island is the background of the book Avventuri mill-Klassi ta’ Miss Ambrozja Pulis Kiftaranipengini, written by Audrey Friggieri and published by Merlin Publishers. Apart from being Friggieri’s debut novel, it is also the first time that Merlin has collaborated with a foreign illustrator, José Luís Ocaña, a young and hugely talented Spanish artist, who has managed to capture the mood and spirit of the story. The book is written for children aged eight to 12 years.

The book is the adventure story of four students in Miss Ambrozja’s class – Paskal, Furtu, Larissa and Egon. Very normal children, a bit absent-minded, daydreamers and sometimes also chicken-hearted. On the other hand, Miss Ambrozja is no ordinary teacher. She seems to have magical powers and is capable of transporting the children to different realities to highlight the lesson she wishes to impart to her students.

For example, one fine day Miss Ambrozja gave her students a problem to solve – if they had to find themselves on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by sharks, how would they try to escape? The children came up with their individual ideas and solutions to the quest, each with a different suggestion. And then by enchantment they found themselves on the island, living the experience and trying out their solutions. A sprinkle of Miss Ambrozja’s magic!

Apart from being an adventure story, Avventuri has a message for all readers, children and adults. Life is the result of our thoughts and our attitudes. If we are optimistic then situations will take a positive turn. Living life to the full means being present in the moment we are living, without being influenced by the past or overly worried by what might happen in the future. Consequently we enhance our potential and our self-esteem.

‘Avventuri mill-Klassi ta’ Miss Ambrozja Pulis Kiftaranipengini’ can be purchased from all leading bookshops or online from

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