The Malta Independent 22 January 2025, Wednesday
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Maltese company launches water for charity

Malta Independent Monday, 28 October 2013, 08:25 Last update: about 12 years ago

"The challenge of securing safe and plentiful water for all is one of the most daunting challenges faced by the world today,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2008.

On this thought, a Maltese company, Contribute Ltd, launched a new concept in bottled water (Contribute Water) by means of which consumers are contributing to help people get access to clean water and proper sanitation in Africa.

Bottled water is a rare luxury in the least developed countries. Drinking dirty water kills more children than war, malaria, HIV/AIDS and traffic accidents combined. The concept behind Contribute Water, launched by Contribute Ltd, is that for every bottle being purchased, part of the revenue will go to charity.

Today, around 800 million people in the world lack access to safe drinking water and 2.5 billion people lack adequate sanitation. Every 20 seconds, a child dies as a result of poor sanitation; that is over 1.5 million preventable deaths each year (estimation for 2012, by UN Water).

Contribute Ltd has found a solution to help these vulnerable people by using commercial forces combined with charity aspects to raise money for less fortunate people. It is a modern way of giving money to charity while carrying out everyday purchases, socialising, or even working out. It’s just about making the right choice!

Contribute is driving support for its mission by collaborating with the charity organisation Pump Aid whose main focus is to build water pumps in Africa. After their launch in 1998 they have completed over 8,000 water and sanitation projects enabling more than 1.1 million people to get access to clean water.

Contribute Ltd also care about the environment, and are therefore collaborating with the organisation ‘Tree-Nation' and planting trees to make up for the carbon footprint involved in producing and transporting water.

“We believe in full transparency. As water projects are progressing and being completed, Contribute see it as absolutely vital to keep consumers informed, by updating our website, with photos and news from communities where wells have been built, and lives have been changed,” said Janika Portelli, co-founder of Contribute Ltd.

“Whether you are a company owner or an individual, it is easy to get involved. Simply ask your retailer for Contribute Water or visit and start taking care of your company's social responsibility or just buy a few packages for your home and help,” she added.

Contribute Water is a still purified drinking water with beneficially low minerals in a new attractive bottle and design. Contribute Ltd was founded in Malta earlier this year by Janika Portelli, Nils Wijkmark and Karl Wijkmark, three young people passionate about social entrepreneurship.

“If we can let people know more about the water situation in the world today while selling our product, perfect. Our basic belief is that it is possible to run a business while at the same time helping others,” they contend. 

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