The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Family Ministry replies to ‘truly a family affair’ article

Malta Independent Thursday, 12 December 2013, 13:22 Last update: about 11 years ago

The Ministry for Family has is- sued a right of reply to a story which was published on this newspaper on Tuesday 10 December entitled: The Ministry for Family: Truly a family affair. The report was the result of a parliamentary question made by opposition MP Clyde Puli, who asked how many people employed in the Family Ministry were family members of Minister Marie Louise Colerio Preca, or Labour activists. The reply was 15.

In its right of reply, the Ministry said “The article in question was a confirmation of the vast number of competent people that were sidelined by previous PN administrations, simply because of their political beliefs.” The Ministry also felt “It would have been appropriate for the article to responsibly give its readers the whole, and true picture by also mentioning the number of individuals who were previously employed by ministries, and the Office of the Prime Minister, under previous PN governments and who are now working within the Ministry for Family and Social Solidarity. This is the real family at the Ministry for Family.”

However, what the Ministry did not say, was that the information it expected this newspaper to publish, was not mentioned in her PQ reply.

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