The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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In The Malta Independent today; World news in 1 minute

Malta Independent Thursday, 13 March 2014, 07:56 Last update: about 11 years ago

1 - LNG tanker revealed - It's the Gemini

2 - Dad wins paternity victory in court

3 - Teenager snaps out of coma

4 - Price of energy production from 'Chinese' BWSC plant not disclosed

5 - Libya tanker could 'deal final blow' to Malta's diving industry

6 - Expansion of Addolorata Cemetery on hold pending new permit

7 - Former Libyan PM made Malta stop on Tuesday night

8 - Want to learn English? Come to Malta

9 - After TMI story, Pullicino questions why Mizzi kept tanker's name secret

10 - Gas to land and offshore platform - Ann Fenech

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