Brian St John has resigned from his post as CEO of the Foundation for Medical Services, The Malta Independent has learnt
Mr St John was appointed CEO back in 2009.
This media house is informed that Mr St John felt uncomfortable staying on due to the fact that his say at the foundation was gradually diminishing after the government appointed a second person, Ing James Camenzuli as CEO, and Mr St John was to report to him.
The Foundation for Medical Services is an autonomous public agency with a remit that extends across the landscape of public healthcare services. The Foundation’s work-programme is guided by the government’s objective to attain excellence across the public health sector through the implementation of a number of projects.
Mr St John was instrumental in the setting up of the foundation and started off the majority of projects tied to the foundation himself.
This media house is also informed that his decision to resign was a tough one since he held and still holds the foundation dear to his heart.
Ing Camenzuli was also appointed chairman of the Malta Resources Authority in March 2014.
Mr St John preferred not to comment on his resignation when contacted by this media house.