The Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties Dr Helena Dalli addressed ILGA-Europe's Annual Conference. This conference brings together more than 350 activists, experts and politicians from across all of Europe to focus on this year's theme of sustainable social change.
Speaking during the first panel of the conference, Minister Dalli spoke about Malta's journey on LGBTI rights, and the important role that Maltese civil society has played over the years in raising the issue and holding politicians to account.
Dr Dalli also referred to the fact that the government's programme is clear on LGBTI issues and the affirmation of rights, as well as how important it was to set up an LGBTI Consultative Council early in the legislature.
Minister Dalli spoke on how at times it is society that informs law, or it can be the other way around. She made reference to the discussions preceding the enactment of the civil union law and recounted how government addressed fears in some quarters in Maltese society regarding some aspects of the law earlier this year. That fear was manifestly ill-informed as it was not supported by the social research at the time, or the experience in the country since.
Dr Dalli spoke about universal values, such as human dignity and rights, and that nobody chooses how they are born and that every human should be entitled to equal rights.
Subsequently Dr Dalli referred to the forthcoming Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Bill and how that too was informed from the conversations that she had with trans and intersex people themselves, as well as with their loved ones, such as their families.
Minister Dalli is also having a number of focused meetings with United Nations and Council of Europe representatives, intersex rights activists, and trans rights activists who all have greatly supported the principles that underpin the forthcoming Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Bill.