The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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Copyright reform: creators and end users must be protected - Comodini Cachia

Tuesday, 16 June 2015, 13:49 Last update: about 10 years ago

Today, the Legal Affairs Committe of the European Parliament adopted with a wide majority a report on the Implementation of the Infosoc Directive. Following the vote, the EPP Group Shadow Rapporteur Therese Comodini Cachia MEP stated:

"The Report today reflects the balance that is required for end users to benefit from enhanced access to what is currently available as well as to new creative content.  The balance of rights reflected in the compromises that have led to a positive vote on this report will continue to foster investment in the creative industry, safeguard employment and encourage job creation, while at the same time give the industry an opportunity to embrace digital technologies.  This means that end users will have better access to creative and cultural works while the creation of new content and cultural exchange is fostered."

Adapting EU legislation to reflect new technologies

The EPP Group Shadow Rapporteur worked towards identifying further ways in which new technologies could be used to develop the creative sector in a way that enhances availability of content across borders, particularly online content. Measures such as portability of content and services need to be considered to ensure that both the end users and the creators benefit from the digital single market. This will also provide new opportunities for growth as well as the continuous promotion and exchange of European culture. 

Providing for a Fair Remuneration

Easier accessibility to online content through technological developments and market models must be based on fair remuneration for creators. This will foster investment in creativity and innovation and safeguard employment, but will also provide an environment for the creation of new content for the enjoyment of end users. 

European Diversity is key 

Europe is rich in cultural and linguistic diversity. This is a specific criterion which makes the dynamics of the European creative sector different from others. This diversity is not an obstacle to the digital single market; it provides the European digital single market with the opportunity to be unique in its creative content. This can only be reached through a fair balance of rights as well as the removal of obstacles for the enjoyment of already existing content as well as for the creation of new content. 

Next steps

MEPs will vote on this own initiative report in the July plenary session. The European Commission is then expected to announce a legislative proposal on copyright reform in October of this year.

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