The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Busuttil defends Tonio Fenech ‘spy network’, says bigger issues at stake such as Gaffarena deal

Duncan Barry Friday, 26 June 2015, 13:39 Last update: about 10 years ago

PN leader Simon Busuttil said today that there are much bigger issues in the country at stake than the Tonio Fenech Google Group issue such as the Gaffarena expropriation deal scandal.

Dr Busuttil was answering to questions made by journalists on whether he was aware of the Google Group account and that three civil servants were allegedly using this account as a means to hand over ‘sensitive’ information to Mr Fenech, as has been claimed by the Labour Party in government.

Without stating whether he knew about these alleged goings-on involving the former PN finance minister, Dr Busuttil said that what is scandalous is the fact that the government is attacking three people by calling them spies while trying to terminate their employment when these three individuals have young children to feed.

Asked by this newsroom whether he feels Mr Fenech went out of line, Dr Busuttil said: “Everyone has a right to associate him/herself to a political party and the fact that one is punished simply because he is a Nationalist or a Labourite should be a thing of the past but, unfortunately, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has instilled this kind of thinking once again.

He said that while Dr Muscat is paying the wife of a minister €13,000 a month while having wanted to employ Daniel Zammit at Enemalta with an annual €60,000 salary, Dr Muscat wanted to victimise three families.

Zammit is a police inspector who was boarded out on medical reasons from the force, only to be given a job at Enemalta within days however his employment was terminated after the Opposition raised the fact in parliament earlier this week.

Asked for a comment by journalists on the fact that an 18-year-old was appointed director of a government security company, referring to Karl Cutajar, Dr Busuttil said that it is shocking but not surprising.

“We all know that the Labour government is engaging in extreme nepotism. This is the way Labour in government operates it so seems. Malta Taghna Lkoll was a big lie. Malta is only Labour’s it has emerged,” the PN leader said.

Video: Jonathan Borg

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