The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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New Kirkop health care centre to be run on public-private partnership model

Helena Grech Saturday, 17 October 2015, 11:04 Last update: about 10 years ago

The Ministry for Energy and Health said that they are working on a health centre in Paola as well as Kirkop.

The Kirkop health centre that is being developed will be run on a public-private partnership model, they said.

Investment growth and an increase in services offered have come about by a boost of energy in health care centres, they added in a press release issued this morning.

Konrad Mizzi

 “The presence of workers and various stakeholders shows the importance of primary care, which is the backbone of the healthcare system,” said Minister for Energy and Health, Konrad Mizzi. “The government is focusing on patient outcomes for better quality of life, which is why we are addressing the issues surrounding the waiting lists for operations, out-of-stock medications, the lack of hospital beds, the emergency unit as well as primary care,” he added.

“Government is also focusing on strengthening primary care through the strengthening of human resources, capital investment such as digital x-ray machines and new ECG machines, and lastly through adding new services,” said Minister Mizzi.

The ministry also said that the government is working on a new initiative with GPs, that provides better access to health care services through IT systems.

 “A substantial part of our taxes go towards health services. The time has come and Minister Mizzi and I are working on attracting foreign investment for Malta’s health system,” said parliamentary secretary for health, Chris Fearne.

He continued to say that in the near future a focus must be diverted towards Mount Carmel, so that the mental health care service is provided with the dignity it deserves.

He said that in the coming period must also boost at Mount Carmel, to the mental health care given the dignity it deserves." We would also like more nurses and general practitioners specialize or have a particular interest in certain areas to the service offered in different areas can escape from hospitals to the community. There seems to be a good competition by professionals in this sector so that it can be, "added Parliamentary Secretary, Chris Fearne.

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