The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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A new political party

Marlene Farrugia Monday, 28 March 2016, 10:53 Last update: about 9 years ago

You must be wondering.

Therefore I will update you.

These are not easy times for people who care, and I mean really care about our country.

Our forefathers struggled and toiled to turn our land into a place where our parents could work, live and prosper while enjoying a healthy life on our beautiful islands which also happen to be a treasure throve of history, culture and architectural gems. 

It is not a coincidence that Malta developed from a post-war pile of rubble playing home to a poverty stricken people, to the relatively affluent, economically dynamic, cosmopolitan nation we are today. 

There was the toil of an ambitious and hardworking population determined to succeed against all possible odds, but there was also a series of Maltese governments, mostly Labour and Nationalist, which weren't perfect, but which contributed to the building of this nation, each in their own way. 

There were times when democracy was heavily threatened, while violence and arson took to the streets. 

But our people raised their voice. 

We raised our voice in time.

Peace was restored as democracy was re-instated hand in hand with the rule of law.

Our country was back on course to becoming a coveted jurisdiction where people live well in a safe environment.

Time flew by as it usually does when we live in peace and stability. 

These little islands weathered the financial crisis which rocked much larger richer nations. We were doing well all things considered, but we were fed up of the decadence and poor governance that was permeating our establishment. We did not want corruption to take a bigger hold on our affairs so we created a new political movement that could finally challenge the unconquerable Nationalist Party Government. 

And we challenged what had become the status quo and we vanquished it, or so we thought.

2013 was the point in the history of our political development, when our citizens showed in no uncertain terms that they wanted a government of National Unity, a government that rose above petty partisan interest, a government that epitomised transparency, meritocracy, democracy and accountability.

The people knew what they wanted, and they voted it in with all their might.

But, the nation was duped.

Three years down the line we know we have a government that is anything but meritocratic, anything but transparent, anything but accountable.

Three years down the line we have a strong economy thriving only on pillars established by past, now rejected governments.

Three years down the line we have watched our country's assets and environment being traded in contracts we are not allowed to see.

Three years down the line we have been inundated with stories of qualified personnel in responsible positions being sidelined to make way for unqualified persons of trust resulting in heavy demotivation of our precious human resource with the obvious consequences.

Our institutions have been weakened. Bureaucracy has increased and scandals have become the order of the day.

Panamagate and its handling was and is the last straw.

We are at a point where we can either pretend that all is well and postpone the handling of much more ongoing serious damage to our country to the future, or we can raise our voice as one now and shake the government into good behaviour.

Normally the Opposition would do that for us, but the opposition is still reeling from 25 years in government and a massive defeat. It will take a while for the Nationalist party to regain enough of the people's trust to drag the country out of this quagmire.

And the country cannot afford to wait for that to happen.

That is why people from all walks of life are coming together to seriously discuss and plan the best way forward under these political circumstances.

The nation needs a new, baggage free political party that can inspire hope for a real transition from nonchalant, opaque governance, to the clean transparent governance it deserves and badly needs.

The nation needs a sustainable economy that respects our environment and health.

The nation needs real social justice and a proper distribution of wealth.

The nation needs us to be there when it needs us most to deliver it from the hands of a greedy few that have their claws already buried on what should belong to our children and children's children.

It is for us to decide. 

And we are not there yet.

The coming days will be crucial and much courage will be needed to withstand the giant  traditional party machines which will unleash all sort of ridicule and insults on those who stand up to their outdated ways of doing politics.

We can spend precious time arguing about secondary issues that divide us while we watch our country sink deeper into the mire, or we can  unite FOR good governance and human dignity from conception till death, and move forward together to deliver Malta and Gozo from a Labour government we no longer recognise. 

We cannot change the past, but we can certainly mould the present, and  can definitely give shape to the future.


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