The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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The professor who messed things up

Carmel Cacopardo Sunday, 14 August 2016, 10:00 Last update: about 9 years ago

Professor Victor Axiaq, Chairman of the Environment and Resources Authority, is not at fault for being absent at a Planning Authority public meeting on the 4 August which discussed the Imrieħel and Sliema high-rise applications. By now everyone is aware that he had just been discharged from hospital and was instructed to rest for fifteen days.

There were various officers of the Environment and Resources Authority present for the 4 August public meeting, yet instead of entrusting one of them with presenting the environment’s case on the Sliema high-rise, in his stead, Professor Axiaq preferred to entrust Dr Timothy Gambin with a memorandum which Gambin opted to keep to himself.

There were various environmentalists, Sliema Local Councillors and civil society activists present for the public hearing. Those of us who were present for the public hearing presented the environment case and contributed to convincing 6 out of 13 Planning Authority members to vote against the proposed high-rise at Townsquare Sliema.  Support for the environment case from a representative of the Environment and Resources Authority during the public hearing would have been most welcome. It could also have had a determining impact.  Yet it was not forthcoming notwithstanding the presence of a number of the Environment and Resources Authority employees at the public hearing. 

The split of MEPA into two separate and distinct authorities, we were irresponsibly told by Government representatives some months ago, would ensure that the environmental issues would be more easily defended when considering land use planning applications. Yet prior to the split, an official of The Environment Protection Directorate would have addressed the public hearing. On the 4 August none was invited.  The only person who was briefed to speak (Dr Timothy Gambin) opted instead to ignore his brief and instead openly supported the development proposal for a high-rise at Townsquare.

Professor Victor Axiaq, as Chairman of the Environment and Resources Authority, missed the opportunity to contribute to convincing the majority of the members of the Planning Authority due to his two basic mistakes. He entrusted his memorandum in the hands of another Planning Authority member (Dr Timothy Gambin) who had opposing views and hence had no interest in communicating Professor Axiaq’s memorandum on Townsquare to the Planning Authority. Professor Axiaq also failed to engage with his own staff at the Environment and Resources Authority as none of those present for the public hearing uttered a single word in support of the case against the high-rise proposal. The one sitting on the chair next to me, for example, preferred to communicate continuously with his laptop correcting with track changes some report he was working on.  I have no idea why he even bothered to be present for the public hearing.

Unfortunately, Professor Victor Axiaq, as Chairman of the Environment and Resources Authority, messed up the first opportunity at which the input of the authority he leads could have made a substantial difference in the actual decision taken.  It would have been much better if a proper decision was taken on the 4 August instead of subsequently considering whether to present an appeal, as this will be an uphill struggle as anyone with experience in these matters can confirm.  This could only have happened if Professor Victor Axiaq had acted appropriately, which he unfortunately did not.

Next Wednesday, the Sliema Local Council will be convened for an extraordinary session in order to discuss the planning appeal relative to the Townsquare high-rise development permit.  Shortly, environmental NGOs will also be meeting to plot the way forward and consider whether they too will appeal the decision.

Even the Environment and Resources Authority will be shortly considering whether to appeal. In view of the way in which Professor Victor Axiaq handled the whole issue, the Sliema Local Council and the environmental NGOs would do well if they do not place any trust in the Authority led by Professor Victor Axiaq.  They will avoid ending up in another mess.

After creating this mess, in my opinion, there is only one option left for Professor Victor Axiaq: he should resign forthwith from the post of Chairman of the Environment and Resources Authority. The sooner he resigns the better.


An architect and civil engineer, the author is Deputy Chairman of Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party in Malta.  [email protected]



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