The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Updated: ‘This government does not leave inquiries or reports to gather dust on a shelf’ - PL

Saturday, 8 April 2017, 10:11 Last update: about 8 years ago

While the PN said that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat should take immediate steps against the two ministers who allegedly interfered in a Gozo drugs case, the PL said that it does not leave reports and inquiries to gather dust on a shelf.

The allegation revolves around a situation which took place in 2014, where news reports claim that two men were able to change their statements after two government officials intervened following a meeting with the father of one of the accused.

The PN, in a statement this morning, said: "the inquiry report done by a PL candidate has been at the Prime Minister for a number of days. Why is the Prime Minister hiding this report, and not publishing it?"

The PN urged the PM to publish the document immediately, and at the same time said that the Prime Minister must take action against the two ministers who "in October 2013 met at the Gozo Ministry with the father of one of the drug traffickers."

"A clear fact became evident in this case. In a choice between youth and drug traffickers, PM Joseph Muscat chooses drug traffickers. Simon Busuttil has already said that a PN government will fight against drug trafficking."

The Malta Independent published an editorial on the issue today.

PL reaction

In response, the PL said that the difference between this government and the PN is that government does not leave inquiries and reports on a shelf gathering dust, but rather takes decisions.

“Instead of attacking the inquiry that is being analysed by the Prime Minister as is meant to be done, Simon Busuttil should speak and act on the long published inquiry regarding PN Deputy Leader Beppe Fenech Adami, where it was said that the investigation stoped as soon as his name was mentioned.”


“There is no doubt that the Prime Minister will publish the inquiry, as he has already said. The question is whether or not Simon Busuttil will publish the false invoices.” 

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