The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Government sets September target for completion of Kappara junction project - PM

Friday, 5 May 2017, 11:53 Last update: about 8 years ago

The government has set a September target for the completion of the Kappara Junction, the Prime Minister said today.

Dr Joseph Muscat was speaking to reporters during a visit to the area, where a fly-over is being constructed to ease the traffic flow.

The project started last year, and is now expected to finish by September before the academic year opens, Dr Muscat said.

The Prime Minister also said that the project was also on budget.

He said that those who preceded him were fearful of tackling the project because ‘they all thought it would stop Malta.

Dr Muscat went on to praise the coordination of the project’s construction.

‘The coordination was really good, so much so that traffic has got better here, there are some blockages occasionally, but in general it is a lot better already,’ he said.

 The PM said that the government’s next project, the Marsa junction, will be much more complicated since it involves more fly-overs than the Kappara project.

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