The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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PN supports MAM request for VGH concessions to be withdrawn

Thursday, 11 January 2018, 12:36 Last update: about 7 years ago

The Nationalist Party has supported the request made by the Medical Association of Malta for concessions given to VGH for the running of three hospitals in Malta to be withdrawn.

In a statement issued by spokesman for health Stephen Spiteri, the PN also called on the auditor general to investigate the deal reached by the government with VGH.

The PN said that its members on the Public Accounts Committee had moved a motion for the Auditor General to investigate the deal which involved St Lukes Hospital, Karin Grech Hospital and the Gozo Hospital.

The government has something to hide since it did not accept an Opposition request for then deal to be debated in parliaments health committee. This deal is worth €2 billion, and the government should ensure that the expenditure is made in the best interests of the nation, the PN said.

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