The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Indepth: For now I should keep focusing on my work in the EP – Roberta Metsola

INDEPTH online Friday, 21 December 2018, 09:52 Last update: about 6 years ago

Nationalist MEP Roberta Metsola believes that, for the time being, her place is in the European Parliament but would “respond” to whatever the party asks of her.

Metsola was interviewed on INDEPTH, which was recorded at the European parliament in Strasbourg.

Asked by - Editor-in-chief Rachel Attard whether the time had come for her to contribute contest a general election, Metsola said: “I have always felt that my place was here. I have never stopped working for my country at European Parliament level. I believe that for now I should keep focusing my work here. However, whatever the PN may ask of me I will respond. I feel that I have a lot to give here and if I am elected again I will return the trust placed in me.”

When asked if she would consider the party leadership, Roberta Metsola said there is currently no such vacancy in the party, adding that she was “foursquare behind” the party’s leadership.

Metsola said the PN went through “a very difficult time” last year, when it lost a second general election, but believes that the party has now got through this phase and that it is fixing its mistakes while making a difference for the country.

Asked how long it would take the PN before it could govern again, Metsola said: “every country needs an Opposition and this is the PN’s time to be in Opposition. But with every day that passes we are a day closer to being in government again.”

Asked about recent predictions by EU news agency politico that showed that the PN is destined to lose its third seat, Metsola said there are still five months to go and she will be doing everything in her power to help the PN retain the third seat.

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