The Malta Independent 18 January 2025, Saturday
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Watch: ‘They are working to cover up my mother’s murder' – Matthew Caruana Galizia

Neil Camilleri and Kevin Schembri Orland Friday, 29 November 2019, 01:53 Last update: about 6 years ago

Matthew Caruana Galizia, son of the assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, joined protesters outside Castille Thursday night as they waited for an urgent Cabinet meeting to come to an end.

An urgent Cabinet meeting was called to discuss Yorgen Fenech's Presidential pardon. The Attorney General and Police Commissioner are also in the meeting.

On Thursday, the Prime Minister's former Chief of Staff Keith Schembri was released from arrest. At the same time, 17 Black owner Yorgen Fenech wrote to the President, arguing that Cabinet should not be the ones to decide on whether to recommend he receive a Presidential pardon or not, as the information he wants to reveal is about Keith Schembri, Konrad Mizzi and Chris Cardona, among others.

As the meeting got underway, protesters turned up at Castille and the police set up barricades around the building.

Matthew Caruana Galizia, at around 1.40am Friday, spoke about the earlier release of Keith Schembri. He said that "they" are probably in Castille discussing how to work things out either to give Keith Schembri his job back, "or to get him to a country where he cannot be extradited back to Malta. It's outrageous."

He said that there is an information blackout about the investigation, and that journalists, the public and even his family know nothing, arguing that the police released a small statement saying, with regards to Schembri, that they "found no evidence and released him. They want us to believe that," Matthew Caruana Galizia said as 'mafia' chants began.

"If that rat was in jail - Keith Schembri - and he is a rat we all know this now, my mother would still be alive. The reason he was never put in jail was that other rat, the Prime Minister. Now they are working together to cover up my mother's murder, right there in that building. And we are out here in a cage put up by the police and those murderers are running around freely, not just that, but in the Prime Minister's Office."

Paul Caruana Galizia, Matthew's brother, was also spotted at the protest.

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