The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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‘Media sector needs permanent, independent structure of financing’, IĠM says

Thursday, 7 May 2020, 11:29 Last update: about 5 years ago

The Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM) welcomed Culture Minister Jose Herrera’s support for the financial protection of the media, noting that the media needs a “permanent and independent structure of financing”.

Herrera told Parliament on Wednesday that the government is giving financial assistance to the media in view of the Covid-19 pandemic, but stressed that this is not enough and that the public should also support media houses.

"Even if one buys and reads the newspaper online, this would already be helping the mainstream media”, he said.

He said "journalism is the fourth pillar of democracy" and if the traditional media ceases to function "we will be facing a democratic deficit within our country."  He said that even though he was on the end of his own fair share of criticism, he would still be “ashamed” to see the media disappear.

IĠM, in response, welcomed Herrera’s statements, noting that it is reassuring to hear the minister stress the importance of a free and independent media.

“While IĠM fully endorses the minister's appeal to the public to buy local newspapers, there is a clear need for a broader discussion about the media and the manner in which it can be supported”, they said.

“While a good initiative, having government entities buy local newspapers would barely scratch the surface. It must also be said that such a measure will only affect the print sector and not the broader journalistic landscape”, IĠM said.

IĠM said that they would be more than happy to discuss the matter in more depth with Herrera with the hope of finding long-term solutions that could ensure the media's survival.

“The media sector needs a permanent and independent structure of financing. Not seriously discussing this will possibly lead to the day where those in power will be "ashamed" as our papers and other media outlets will no longer exist”, they said.

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