The Malta Independent 14 September 2024, Saturday
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‘Wages in the catering industry are good, but we need more manpower,’ Maltese chef says

Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 10:52 Last update: about 3 years ago

Wages in the catering industry are good, however Malta needs to add manpower to the catering industry by making the process to employ third-country nationals faster, Maltese chef Sean Gravina said.

In a Facebook post, Gravina said that the main reason why Maltese people do not want to work in the catering industry is due to the long hours and work-life balance. Gravina said that the wages in the catering industry are good and that this is not the issue within the industry.

Gravina said that there is an issue to resolve at the earliest possible to up the human resources in the catering industry, particularly by bringing in third national workers.

“Unless we sort out the manpower, more Maltese will leave this industry to achieve a better balance, at this rate in 10 years’ time, the only Maltese left in catering will be the owners. We need action,” he said.

Gravina said that the work-life balance must be addressed urgently.

President of the Association of Catering Establishments Michelle Muscat recently told The Malta Independent that the industry is facing a severe shortage of human resources, in terms of retention and recruitment.

She had said that the government needs to help reduce the red tape and excessive bureaucracy to employ foreigners, as well as provide adequate training within the industry.

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