The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Manipulated co-optation

Kevin Cassar Sunday, 21 August 2022, 09:28 Last update: about 3 years ago

Kristy Debono was not given her government appointment because of “her professional and academic expertise” as she contends. Frank Psaila wasn’t put on three government boards because he’s brilliant. They’ve got their positions because it serves Labour’s cause.

Psaila and Debono are only the latest on Labour’s long list of co-opted PN activists, MPs, spokespersons and officials. Co-optation is the intentional extension of benefits to adversaries and critics in exchange for their loyalty. It entails “encapsulating” individuals into the regime apparatus through distribution of perks.  Such ‘gifts’ enable Labour to establish control over recipients, inducing them to behave in ways they might not otherwise, and inculcating their loyalty.

The list of PN switchers and collaborators is long - Cyrus Engerer, John Dalli, Michael Falzon, Lou Bondi, Ian Castaldi Paris, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Jesmond Mugliett, Robert Musumeci, Franco Debono, Marthese Portelli, Roselyn Borg Knight. And now Frank Psaila and Kristy Debono.

In their perceived need to demonstrate their loyalty to Labour and to allay persistent resentment amongst Labour’s grassroots, the switchers overdo it. They’re the first to volunteer, for crackpot schemes.  Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was one of the first to react to Manuel Cuschieri’s looney call for Labour supporters to descend on the court to support Frederick Azzopardi. Pullicino Orlando’s wild celebrations at Labour’s election victory were comical. Or Ian Castaldi Paris’ fawning speeches at Labour’s party conference. Or Cyrus Engerer’s sycophantic book about Joseph Muscat.

Labour survives mostly not by use of force these days, but by convincing the public of its competence. Citizens infer that competence from signals communicated through state propaganda but also messages sent by an ‘informed elite’.  When that ‘informed elite’ tacitly supports government by accepting official positions on boards and entities, the message is that this government is worth associating with, this government is reliable.

When that ‘informed elite’ consists of former opposition MPs and propagandists, the message is even starker.  By accepting Labour’s offerings, Psaila and Debono, indicate that this government is here to stay. It’s worth jumping ship and sustaining the hostility of PN supporters to join its ranks.

They also communicate another message - Labour knows how to reward switchers. Psaila was given not one, but three positions over just a few days.  Labour is publicly showering Psaila with rewards.  Despite the flak from Labour diehards, Labour gambles that those protestations are too weak and shortlived to matter. They know they will not lose votes. Those diehards are too fanatic to spoil their ballot, let alone vote PN.  Labour’s real targeted audience for Psaila and Debono’s ostentatious compensation is the PN itself.

What Labour is really saying is “if you cross over to our side we will make it worth your while, you will be handsomely remunerated”.

Labour could have handed Psaila and Debono their bounty secretly. That would defeat the purpose. Labour showers them with dividends brazenly, openly and publicly. It rewards PN switchers more lavishly than the grassroots whose perennial loyalty is taken for granted. Like the Prodigal son, Psaila and Debono get the fattened calf, the finest robe put on them and the ring on their finger.  The older brother who long slaved for the Labour party can only complain: “you never gave me even a young goat to celebrate with my friends”.

Labour is ready to face the scant wrath of its supporters to poach those on the other side. More importantly it strikes that fatal blow - the message that PN is finished, RIPN. Everybody, even its most committed, are abandoning the PN. It’s not worth your time, effort and energy. PN won’t pay. It’s bankrupt. Look at us. We’ve got the nation’s coffers. Come on, just join in. We’ll take care of you. Look at Psaila, look at Kristy Debono. They’re part of the “selectorate”. They’re tied to Labour now.

Labour uses that co-optation so that those biting the bait can no longer obstruct or criticise. Remember Lou Bondi? Instead, those co-opted have to use their energies in line with Labour’s demands. Patrimonialism is the most widespread type of autocratic rule - and that is what Labour’s doing. Labour is an elite which rules through a close network of direct and indirect ties to subordinate actors. It uses patronage, clientelism and corruption to consolidate its authority and retain power. It distributes benefits, in the form of positions of power, policy concessions, direct orders, protection from prosecution. In the process, the beneficiaries gain a vested interest in the continuation of the leader’s tenure and an obligation to comply with the party’s demands.

As for those co-opted, their benefits won’t last.

Labour knows who to target. Labour’s acquisitions have had more than a passing common trait - a dodgy past, a suspicious link: John Dalli’s dishonorable discharge from EU commisioner, Michael Falzon’s hidden Swiss bank account with hundreds of thousands of euro, Cyrus Engerer’s criminal conviction, the probe into Ian Castaldi Paris’ unexplained and undeclared wealth. And now Frank Psaila’s promised job by Yorgen Fenech and Kristy Debono’s request for sponsorship from Yorgen Fenech despite knowing of his 17-Black ownership and its links to Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri.

Psaila’s and Debono’s suitability to sit on any government board is questionable.

As his party vehemently condemned Yorgen Fenech’s supicious Electrogas deal, Psaila was secretly meeting Fenech who promised him a job.

When Kristy Debono was confronted by the Times about her meeting with Yorgen Fenech, she denied having met him. She lied. When pressed, she asked for questions to be sent by e-mail. She later admitted meeting Fenech “on a non-profit making basis”. Adrian Delia defended her and Hermann Schiavone - “none of them did anything criminal”. Not being a criminal is a rather low bar to aim for.

Lying and keeping sensitive information from your leader are hardly indicators of probity and integrity. That should certainly disqualify you from sitting on government boards. But does Labour care? Labour’s more interested in wrecking its adversaries than serving the nation.

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