The Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) programme, which has been deemed highly successful among individuals under 23 years old living with type 1 diabetes, has been extended to now offer this service, free of charge, to individuals under 36 years old.
Minister for Health Chris Fearne announced this expansion, highlighting the health benefits observed among younger patients who have already been using this service for months and years.
Fearne said that each year, an average of 110 new cases of type 1 diabetes are registered, and this condition can begin at a young age.
He said that when not properly controlled, this condition can lead to further health complications for patients.
"Therefore, the advanced technology of continuous glucose monitors can prevent such complications. These devices, provided to eligible patients free of charge, provide precise blood sugar level readings at all times through a mobile app accessible to the patient or their guardian," Fearne said.
He said that this service, initiated as a two-year pilot project for diabetic children, is not only aimed at benefiting the patients and their parents, but also at reducing the likelihood of complications associated with diabetes as these patients grow.
"The government's plan to gradually expand eligibility for continuous glucose monitors, free of charge, is yielding promising results. We are committed to continuing to extend this new service to older age groups over the coming months, until it is available to all individuals with type 1 diabetes," Fearne said.
Fearne also announced that the flu vaccination and COVID-19 booster schedule will commence on 9 October, 2023.
He explained that the vaccination schedule for both influenza and COVID-19 is adapted to the prevalent virus variant during the season.
Fearne said that during the first week of the vaccination programme, eligibility will include individuals aged 55 and above, those with chronic conditions, pregnant women, individuals residing in institutions, and healthcare workers.
The vaccination programme will be rolled out from 16 October to the entire population through Health Centres, without the need for appointments and from community clinics, according to the schedule published on health department social media sites.