The Malta Independent 4 June 2024, Tuesday
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Joseph Muscat says case against him is based on what someone said they heard

Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 19:45 Last update: about 19 days ago

Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has claimed that the case against him is based on the testimony of someone who said they heard someone else say Muscat took money.

Muscat was being interviewed by his friend and ardent supporter Emanuel Cuschieri on One Radio. Muscat is one of dozens who stands charged in connection with the concession which saw three state hospitals to be managed by Vitals Global Healthcare.  He faces charges of money laundering and fraud amongst others. He has denied any wrongdoing.


Muscat was asked about the parts of the inquiry that make reference to him, after he was recently given partial access.

He said he has always carried political responsibility. "What I am doing right now is not a question of responsibility. I cannot stand for the injustices that a number of people are passing through, including myself in this case, and today I find myself in a more clear position to speak openly about this injustice as finally I was given the right to see what was written (in the inquiry) in which they didn't want to hear me out or say what was in it."

"Now finally after the charges were issued, and some people satisfied their thirst to see me being taken to court, today I am more certain than ever that what certain people will instigate will lead to the complete breaking up of the Nationalist Party. This is not only Egrant 2, it is worse."

He said he was not talking about the magistrate "who for me now is out of the equation, she did what she had to do and history and the people will judge."

He said that he was told there were 78 boxes of the inquiry. A judge recently ordered the Attorney General to exhibit all the documentation from the inquiry, starting from the date of the application filed by Repubblika, which concerns Muscat until the inquiry's end, also ordering that the documents be secured in the judge's chambers, thus giving Muscat partial access.

Muscat said that he was given an envelope. "I thought they were going to come with containers, it was an envelope. There is an envelope on me, at least that is what I was given, an envelope and contents that fit in a small box. I don't know what is in the other boxes, but for sure they have nothing to do with me."

"The last time it was a Russian," he said in what was a clear reference to the person who made allegations in the Egrant case, "this time its an Indian, but its the same scheme. Last time there were those who relied on the words of a Russian person who escaped Malta (...) This time, there is another foreigner, an Indian, and the same, they relied on him."

He said that in the Egrant case "there were signatures that were proven to be false. This time, this Indian man testified that he heard someone saying something and they believed him. Without checking. Without checking with whom he said he heard saying it. Without checking with me, without finding anything." He said there is no documentation, "just the testimony of a person who testified he heard someone else saying that Joseph Muscat was taking money... you know how much, €16 million a year."

Muscat said that the inquiry didn't find money, but they decided to charge him anyway.

Muscat said that "whoever associated with, or instigated all this, will lead to the breaking up of the PN."

He said that he always had piece of mind that he did nothing wrong. "After seeing all this, I can say I am shocked at how certain things occurred. These are reports of supposed experts, but then nobody analysed them to see if they make sense together, or if there are any contradictions. I say there are also contradictions. The conclusion is simply that the charges were issued against me, and from what I can see against people who are barely mentioned."

He said that it was mentioned that the money might be in Dubai "as Joseph Muscat goes to Dubai a lot. It's like saying Manuel' do you enjoy swimming? Then you are a fish since the answer is yes. It is not even the kind of reasoning you'd hear in a bar."

Muscat reiterated that the inquiry report should be published. He again called for calm. “Leave anger and hysterity to others. We are not like that. We are capable of having our voices heard calmly without threats. Use what the PN fears most, your vote," he said.
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