The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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General Workers Union denies strong speculation of industrial action before Muscat arraignment

Semira Abbas Shalan Thursday, 23 May 2024, 12:51 Last update: about 23 days ago

The General Workers Union's Director General Josef Bugeja categorically denied that there is planned industrial action for Court workers on Monday, a day before the scheduled arraignment of former prime minister Joseph Muscat and others in relation to the hospitals concession.

Bugeja told The Malta Independent that it is "absolutely not true" that there is to be a strike approved by the union in this regard.

Speculations over a planned industrial strike came after former MP Jason Azzopardi posted on social media on Tuesday morning, that there was a dispute centred on wages and that the union in question is the General Workers Union, one of two unions recognised by the Court Services Agency as representing its workers.

The rumoured strike was to coincide with the start of the historic and sensitive political case, where Muscat, Keith Schembri, and Konrad Mizzi are set to be arraigned on 28 May, while former deputy PM Chris Fearne, Central Bank governor Edward Scicluna, and their co-defendants are set to be charged on 29 May.

Bugeja explained that there isn't even an ongoing industrial dispute to warrant announcing industrial action, as this is done only if there are no solutions agreed upon from all parties when communicating with management.

Bugeja said that industrial action is done by law, and not because someone of a certain profile is being arraigned, and the union would have issued a press release as well as inform its workers.

"I absolutely deny that there is a planned industrial action to happen that day," Bugeja said, reiterating that the speculations are false.

The Court Services Agency had also clarified that "no issues had been communicated by the respective unions, nor are there any pending matters indicating that it may lead to, or is bound to lead to, a cessation of the Agency's work," news reports read.

In a statement later, the General Workers' Union firmly denied having any disputes or ordering industrial actions for its member workers in the Court Services Agency next week.

The GWU always informs employers, workers, and the media when there are disputes or planned industrial actions. It's important to note that any actions ordered by the GWU are based on disputes related to the working conditions of its members, the union said.

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