The Malta Independent 19 February 2025, Wednesday
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January-May tourist arrivals up 24.6%, NSO says

Friday, 12 July 2024, 11:17 Last update: about 8 months ago

Inbound tourists for the first five months of 2024 amounted to 1,239,956, an increase of 24.6 per cent over the same period in 2023, the NSO said Friday.

Total nights spent by inbound tourists went up by 14.9 per cent, surpassing 7.1 million nights.

Total tourist expenditure was estimated at €957.5 million, 27.6 per cent higher than that recorded for the same period in 2023. Total expenditure per capita increased to €772 from €754 for the same period in 2023.


The number of tourists visiting Gozo and Comino, including both same-day and overnight visitors, totalled 634,086, or 51.1 per cent of total tourists.

May 2024

Total inbound tourists for May 2024 were estimated at 351,839, an increase of 23.5 per cent when compared to the corresponding month in 2023, the NSO said Friday.

During the month under review, a total of 318,366 inbound tourists visited Malta for holiday purposes, and 23,243 tourists came for business purposes. The largest share of inbound tourists were aged between 25 and 44 (38.4 per cent), followed by the 45-64 age bracket (32.1 per cent). British, Italian and French residents made up 46.2 per cent of total inbound tourists.

Total nights spent went up by 20.8 per cent when compared to May 2023, surpassing 2.0 million nights. The largest share of guest nights (88.9 per cent) was spent in rented accommodation establishments. The average length of stay of total inbound tourists stood at 5.8 nights.

Total tourist expenditure surpassed €310.7 million, an increase of 30.6 per cent over the corresponding month in 2023. The average expenditure per night was estimated at €153.3.

The number of tourists visiting Gozo and Comino, including both same-day and overnight visitors, totalled 202,718, or 57.6 per cent of total tourists.


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