The Malta Independent 10 September 2024, Tuesday
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Galdes visits Siġġiewi housing block that was subject of pre-election controversy

Saturday, 3 August 2024, 10:42 Last update: about 2 months ago

The Minister for Affordable Social Accommodation, Roderick Galdes, paid a visit to a a block of apartments in Siggiewi, named in memory of the late Silvio Parnis, which had caused controversy in the run-up to the local council elections last June.

The Nationalist Party had discovered that the addresses of 99 families had been transferred to this block when it was still uninhabitable. It had taken the matter to court, with 22 magistrates ordering the reversal of the addresses. Siggiwi had been won by Labour in the 2019 election, but in June it was regained by the PN.

In a statement, the Ministry said that this project saw the investment of approximately €13 million covering 84 apartments, garages and parking spaces that amount to around 126.

During the visit, Galdes spoke to the families residing in this building, with the beneficiaries sharing their experiences and explaining that this social project made a significant difference in their lives and raised their quality of life. They added that today, they are living in secure and dignified accommodation for themselves and their families.

He said, “These experiences show the importance of social accommodation projects, such as the Silvio Parnis Building in Siġġiewi. Through them, we not only provide a safe roof over the heads of beneficiaries but also provide dignified residences that continue to improve the quality of life of Maltese families.” 

Present during this visit were Dorianne and Jacob Parnis, the widow and son of the late Silvio Parnis in whose honour the building was named. The minister explained that this project is living proof of all Parnis had close to his heart due to his dedication to the social sector. He said that the government remains committed to support every individual in society and carry out social projects that will make a mark in the lives of the beneficiaries.

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