The magical dragons of Gozo is a story about friendship between Ukrainian girl Yulia and Gozitan boy Julian, written by Ukrainian writer Inna Danyliuk. The book is dedicated to Gozitans Claude Calleja and John Bartolo and to all the people who helped the author to escape from the war in Ukraine and sheltered her and her family in Gozo.
The book is published in The Black Sheep Publishing House, which specialises in children's literature and art books and cooperates with many writers from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, the USA, Great Britain, Poland and Ukraine.
Illustrations for the book were created by Ukrainian illustrator, Anna Vilchynska.
Brief about the book (for children 5+)
Yulia and her mother came to Malta to flee the war in Ukraine. The girl soon made friends with a local boy, Julian, as they both like animals and want to become animal advocates in the future. But children don't want to wait until they grow up: they have to act now, especially since there are so many wonderful creatures around them needing protection. Additionally, the adventurous couple have a luzzu and magical dragons to help them in their quest!
About the author
Inna Danyliuk is a 37-year-old Ukrainian, mother of a five-year-old boy. She is a Laureate of the O. Honchar International Ukrainian-German Prize (2008, for the collection of short stories for adults). Inna is the author of two books: The magical dragons of Gozo (for children 5+) and To dive into the Kyiv Sea (for young teenagers 9-12 years, Old Lion Publishing House, Ukraine). Inna is currently working as a freelance literary editor for The Old Lion Publishing House and as book reviewer for the BaraBooka website which covers Ukrainian modern children's and teenagers' literature.
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