The Malta Independent 10 February 2025, Monday
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Bonnici the Bully

Kevin Cassar Sunday, 19 January 2025, 08:16 Last update: about 23 days ago

Do you know Matthew Maggi? Probably not. He's not a public figure. He's a private citizen working in the film industry. Yet Minister Owen Bonnici  used his position of power to harass and intimidate Maggi simply for having the temerity to criticise Robert Abela.

In an official statement Owen Bonnici personally attacked the private citizen in order to isolate him, smear his reputation and discredit him.  Bonnici has only just taken over the film portfolio after Clayton Bartolo was forced out. Yet the very first of his interventions is straight out of the authoritarian playbook, harnessing the might of his ministerial office to target a private citizen in a desperate attempt to ingratiate himself with the supreme leader, Robert Abela.

Maggi penned an article on The Times of Malta on Christmas Eve highlighting how Robert Abela broke his promise.  Maggi had applied for and was awarded a €15,000 euro grant by the Malta Film Commission in June 2023 to support his film project.  Months passed but Maggi didn't see any of the promised funds.  Despite his best efforts and Robert Abela's reassurance in October 2024 that the problem would be fixed promptly, Maggi still wasn't paid.  In frustration he wrote that article entitled "Robert Abela not in control". 

He complained that he still hadn't been paid.  He pointed out he was not alone.  Other grant beneficiaries and film industry workers who'd worked for the Film Commission also hadn't been paid or had their payments delayed. Maggi revealed that Minister Clayton Bartolo admitted there were several payments owed by the commission still pending. Even the internationally renowned Teresa Gavina, who directed the Mediterrane film festival, wasn't paid in time. Maggi revealed how at a meeting in October organised with the Prime Minister by the Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Assocation (MEIA), Robert Abela promised those issues would be resolved promptly.

But in December, when another meeting was held with the Prime Minister, the attendees weren't allowed to speak. The only thing the Prime Minister could come up with was more empty promises that the problem will "eventually" be solved.

Matthew Maggi was understandably unconvinced.  In desperation he brought the issue to public attention in his Times article. He had the audacity to call out the leader for his ineffectiveness, his failure to deliver, for his broken promises.

That same day Owen Bonnici's ministry issued a public statement targeting Maggi. Bonnici called Maggi's revelations "allegations" without addressing any of them.  Bonnici deviously claimed that the MEIA and the Malta Producers Association (MPA) wrote to him on 18tDecember 2024 to tell him that "Mr Maggi does not represent them in any way and neither does he represent the creative and cultural sector".  "These two associations also informed the Minister that Mr Maggi is not even a member of their associations and therefore his opinions do not agree with and do not reflect the values of the two associations," Bonnici claimed.

These are the dirty tactics that Labour's ministers stoop to. Maggi is being publicly flogged.  Owen Bonnici deviously exposed private correspondence he claims to have received from two associations in order to destroy Maggi, to show him that he's now on his own, that nobody will protect him and that even his own associations are denouncing him and his "opinions".

Bonnici's statement added that "the MEIA and MPA (declared that they) are committed to work professionally and that other types of declarations not coming from them should be ignored".  How democratic. Owen Bonnici added: "This Ministry has an open door to all those of goodwill and who genuinely want to strengthen this sector". Bonnici decides who is genuine and deserving to be heard and who deserves to be intimidated and harassed.

Owen Bonnici has been convicted of breaching fundamental human rights before. He's not going to think twice before embarking on a mission to destroy Matthew Maggi. He's not going to hold back from publicly isolating and intimidating him.  He indulged in labelling Maggi unprofessional, lacking goodwill and of not being genuine.

That is Labour's standard treatment reserved for those exposing the truth.  Owen Bonnici statement is a message to Labour's trolls to target Maggi.  That's exactly what they've been doing.  Maggi himself revealed he's been made the target of offensive and intimidating attacks.  He's been called "a clown" and "an idiot".  He's been falsely accused of accepting payment to speak at a public meeting organised by the PN. He claimed to have been mistreated and having his grant denied simply for speaking out "against corruption, the misuse of public funds, nepotism, and the never-ending impunity" of Labour. 

Maggi insiste these issues should not have "a political colour". He publicly denied any links to the Opposition and declared his support for a third party in parliament.  He admitted that "being targeted with accusations did affect me".  Of course it did.  That's exactly why Labour deploys its arsenal against critics.  They've tried and tested their relentless persecution with others before him.  They perfected their techniques on Daphne Caruana Galizia. They know how well harassment, vilification and intimidation work.

Maggi is just starting to taste the devastating ruthlessness of Labour.  "I honestly thought that more people from within the industry would come forward to support the cause....but barely anyone did," Maggi naively lamented.

That is a certificate of the effectiveness of Labour's tactics. Most cower before Labour's aggression. "Many members are afraid to come forward," Maggi noted.  They know that should they speak up they too won't see the money they're owed, they won't stand a chance of ever getting another commission. They know they'll never win another tender.  They understand that exposing the truth of Labour's corruption earns you a lifetime of persecution at the vindictive and vengeful hands of Labour.

Using ministerial statements to personally target private citizens simply for demanding their rights is not what democracy is about. It's not what we fought for. It's not what we voted for. We cannot lower our guard.  If we do, Labour will drag us back to the dark days of the 80s.

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