The Malta Independent 10 February 2025, Monday
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Bill to introduce electronic tagging gets full backing from Parliament in second reading

Semira Abbas Shalan Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 17:38 Last update: about 19 days ago

Parliament on Tuesday has unanimously approved the second reading of a bill which will introduce electronic monitoring, meaning that the reform will now will move on to the next Committee stage.

The reform will introduce a system which would allow certain individuals to be electronically monitored instead of being detained at the Corradino Correctional Facility for short sentences, thereby facilitating their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

This would be a bracelet worn by a person voluntarily, usually on their leg, which uses technology that continuously monitors the location of the person which is tied to certain rules.

In the winding up speech, Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri said that the system would not apply in cases involving domestic violence, gender-based violence, maintenance obligations, violations of court orders regarding child access, and cases of paedophilia.

At the committee stage, Camilleri said that government has included an amendment being proposed, to be able to use electronic monitoring as a direct measure for victim protection, where victims would be provided with special devices (not ones to wear on one’s leg), that would give them an immediate signal if their aggressor were close, he said.

He continued that additionally, victims of domestic violence can be provided with further assistance complementing other tools at hand, even if it is not in a voluntary manner.

Camilleri said that introducing tagging will make the system better, but one must not be under the illusion that it is “perfect,” adding that the system was successful in some countries, but failed in others.

Camilleri said that the PN agreed with the offenses included as exemptions in the bill, and that government could also include bail in another stage.

He said that this reform is in favour of victims, as when implemented, victims will be provided with more protection, and offenders are given the chance of rehabilitation.

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