The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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It’s Not just the feast days

Sunday, 9 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago Malta Independent

On the face of it, it seemed strange at first that the population of Malta is being called out to protest against a bill that will declare public feasts that fall on a weekend no feasts at all....

Calculating Costs is not rocket science

Sunday, 9 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago Malta Independent

Mr A. A. Camilleri writes again (TMIS, 2 January) in answer to my response (TMIS, 26 December) to his letter (TMIS, 19 December) criticising an article on home heating and the price of kerosene penned by Ms Caruana Galizia (TMIS, 12 December). ...

Words And deeds

Sunday, 9 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago Malta Independent

Has it escaped notice that the brunt of the tsunami catastrophe has fallen on the world’s most populous Muslim country? One that has an active branch of al Qaeda?...

An Act of God - Who is to blame?

Sunday, 9 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago Malta Independent

The devastation caused by the 26 December earthquake and tsunami was one of the biggest natural disaster ever. ...

Let Them buy air-conditioners

Sunday, 9 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago Malta Independent

Congratulations to Albert Bezzina (TMIS, 26 December) for taking time off from the Christmas rush to challenge an obnoxious letter written by Alfred A. Camilleri in response to Daphne Caruana Galizia’s aptly titled article, “Where homes are always cold”....


Saturday, 8 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago Malta Independent

Sometimes it has to be a tragedy to make us aware how fragile we are as a nation....

Principles And logic

Saturday, 8 January 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago Malta Independent

I read with interest the position taken by the unions at the MCESD meeting regarding public holidays falling on a Saturday or a Sunday....

Who Cares why they give as long as they do so

Sunday, 26 December 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago Malta Independent

Today, thousands of people will be glued to their television sets, watching the hugely popular charity marathon, Strina....

Yes We can

Friday, 24 December 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago Malta Independent

It is not just because on Christmas Eve one has to try to be positive. It is mainly because I do believe that, for all the economic travails that are finally widely acknowledged, we can, if we really want to, return to a sustainable growth path within a r...

Facts And practice: the sixth seat for the PN

Friday, 24 December 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago Malta Independent

Stephen Cachia, AD secretary general (TMID 22 December), works out his arguments in favour of giving AD the sixth (observer) seat in the European Parliament by applying a quota that assumed that the election was for five seats! This is a contradiction in ...

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