The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Watch: PN candidate Salvu Mallia protests against 'corrupt regime' in front of PM's office

Saturday, 14 January 2017, 11:35 Last update: about 8 years ago

PN candidate Salvu Mallia this morning held a one-man demonstration in front of the Office of the Prime Minister.

The former TV presenter turned politician, held up a placard that read: 'Dear EU delegates your presence in my country is being used by the government to give respectability to a corrupt regime.'

He then spoke to journalists for around 40 minutes, stating that he is on a mission, similar to Gandhi's, Che Guevara or even Jesus Christ. Mallia says people's lack of education is the reason why people are not understanding his comparison of Joseph Muscat to Adolf Hitler. 

Accompanied by his canine companion, Mallia said that the public is wearing an intellectual and cultural blindfold.

When asked about his comments in comparing Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to Hitler, Mallia said he wanted to shock people. "When I compare someone to Jesus Christ, I'm not implying that the person could do miracles. In the same way, when I compared Dr Muscat to Hitler, I was referring to the way the Nazi leader used to distract the public with a good economy and spectacles."

Before starting his long speech, Mallia laid some flowers in front of the monument of Manuel Dimech in Castille Square.

The PN has criticized the European Commission for cozying up to a government which includes minister Konrad Mizzi – the only EU minister revealed to have a secret company in Panama.

Earlier this week Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil criticized the EU Commission’s inability to properly tackle corruption and also chastised Vice-President of Energy Maroš Šefčovič for attending a press conference alongside Dr Mizzi.

Commission President Junker said that he “could not disagree more” with Dr Busuttil while Mr Šefčovič said the event he had attended was about things people spoke about, such as clean energy.

A day later, Konrad Mizzi refused to say whether his Panama company is still open, adding that the facts will all be revealed shortly.

The PN has repeatedly boycotted Mizzi in Parliament over his involvement in the Panama Papers scandal. But this is the first time the party has sent Mr Mallia to convey its message. Mr Mallia stepped into hot water earlier this week when he compared Joseph Muscat to Adolf Hitler – a comparison he repeated when interviewed on INDEPTH.

This was not the first time the unconventional PN candidate got into trouble over crude comments, including when he compared the Labour Party to cancer and when he compared PM Muscat to the plague.


Mallia has become PN Leader - PL

In a short statement, the Labour Part said that, with the conditions he was demanding and the way he was dictating to Simon Busuttil on how to run the party, Salvu Mallia had become the leader of the Nationalist Party. 

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