The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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FKNK Secretary to contest EP election as an independent candidate

Malta Independent Thursday, 15 April 2004, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Mr Farrugia said the main issues on his election manifesto were promoting tourism, safeguarding hunting and conserving Malta and Gozo’s environment.

Mr Farrugia said: “I intend to contest these elections as an independent candidate. I am very proud to be Maltese and my ultimate goal is to safeguard everything that is traditionally Maltese.”

He said his main priorities were safeguarding the tourism sector, conserving the environment, hunting and trapping. “I have been involved in the tourism sector for the past 30 years. I am a hotelier by trade and prior to owning my own hotel I served in various related management positions for years,” he said.

Mr Farrugia said that from childhood he had always been close to nature and the countryside. “I always rebelled against unscrupulous acts or decisions that could have or have harmed our environment and that is something which I intend to keep doing, regardless of whether I am elected,” he said.

Because Malta is so small, he said, if a piece of natural land is taken away, or if a traditional pastime is stopped, that part of our natural environment will never be seen in its original state again.

Mr Farrugia said he felt he could make a very positive contribution to the country if elected to the European Parliament. He said being in a union did not necessarily mean being uniform with the European Union.

He also said that while he understood the Maltese passion for politics, the EP election was not a forum for partisan politics. “The people who are elected should be given the mandate of the Maltese and Gozitan people as a whole to try and do their best to improve Malta’s situation and safeguard the rights of Maltese people,” said Mr Farrugia.

“I will be an independent and impartial candidate and, if elected, I will do my utmost to safeguard the interests of all Maltese and Gozitan citizens,” he said.

The Malta Independent asked whether Mr Farrugia could really represent the interests of the Maltese and Gozitan people. TMID pointed out that Mr Farrugia wanted to safeguard hunting and trapping and that there was strong opposition to both these activities from the general public. He replied: “That is an opinion.” TMID pointed out that it was not an individual opinion but that of many in Malta and Gozo. He replied: “I want to make sure that all traditional Maltese and Gozitan crafts, pastimes and other activities are safeguarded and carry on in the future.

“So yes, I think I can represent the people of Malta and Gozo and safeguard their interests.” Mr Farrugia has the full support of the FKNK who approved his candidature at its last general meeting.

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