The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Datastream And maltaNET to merge

Malta Independent Sunday, 10 July 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The Maltacom group announced last week that its two subsidiary companies Datastream and maltaNET will be merged.

maltaNET is the retail Internet arm of the group whilst Datastream handles the group’s data business at a wholesale level. The merger process will be put in place with immediate effect, with the intention of it being completed by the end of the year.

Sonny Portelli, Chairman of the Maltacom Group, commenting on the announcement stated that, “When

maltaNET was set up 10 years ago, the regulatory structure was such that

any wholesale data services had to be provided through a separate legal

entity from our ISP. Today the framework has changed, the market is a fully liberalised one, and it is a natural step to bring these two complementary areas of business under one legal structure.

“The most important asset these

two subsidiaries hold are their respective teams of hardworking employees. We are certain that by bringing

together the strengths of these resources, we will be better positioned to remain the main provider of broadband Internet and other data services on the island. Our mission is to play a leading role in getting broadband to every home, and this step will help us get there earlier”.

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