The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Dealing With timeshare OPCs

Malta Independent Sunday, 31 July 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

A licensed OPC should wear a yellow tag on a bright yellow lanyard, which should be displayed at all times. The most visible information on the tag is a large three-digit number that is easily remembered. Any offending OPC should be reported directly to the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA)’s Enforcement Directorate on 23160601.

Unless a tourist is genuinely interested in buying timeshare, a business sector in which Malta has a good reputation, any approach designed to inveigle clients with the offer of scratch cards, lucky wins, tokens, etc. should be avoided. Anyone impersonating a tourism official should be ignored and possibly reported. According to MTA, if one is being pestered by an OPC, an effective way of dealing with him/her is to pretend not to understand and move on.

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