The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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60 Second Interview - TONIO MALLIA

Malta Independent Sunday, 20 November 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Tonio Mallia is a self-taught artist who specialises in water media. He worked for a number of years as a graphic artist before turning to painting. He has been commissioned to produce works for major corporations including HSBC, Bank of Valletta, Central Bank of Malta, Malta International Airport, Gozo Channel Company and a number of hotels. He has participated in various exhibitions including two solo exhibitions in 1995 and 2001 at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta.

How old are you? Star sign and date of birth?

I am 50 years of age. Star sign is Libra and my date of birth is 7 October 1955.

Significant other? Children?

I have two daughters Sarah and Michaela. Sarah is in the troublesome age of 17 and Michaela is 14 years old.

What would you like to be doing in 10 years’ time?

I presently work at HSBC Bank. Unless six feet under by then I hope to be retired from this job and painting full-time. I also like the idea of holding workshops for budding artists. Time permitting I might also take up a course on art history / restoration and be of help to the community by doing some philanthropic work.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

This certainly does not exist at least for me on this earth. I can say that overall my level of contentment is fairly high considering that the world is such a troubled place. One thing I have learnt from life is not to expect too much and to derive contentment from the little things I already possess. Art certainly gives me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. My children, too, have a considerable effect on my well-being.

What is your favourite occupation?

By far painting. I can never stop being thankful enough for the gift of being able to paint. When I travel I spend most of the time visiting art galleries and book shops. My other great passion is listening to music. I find music to be so inspiring especially to get me going when I start a painting.

What is your greatest fear?

Losing my faith in God and not finding his help when I need him in my most troubled moments.

What is it that you most value in your friends?

I value trust and sincerity more than anything else.

How would you like to die?

As long as I am in a state of grace, as quickly and painlessly as possible.

What is your most memorable experience?

I was involved in an accident in Prague when a coach with travellers overturned injuring a number of people. I was the only person in the coach strapped with a seat belt so I ended up hanging down hooked by the belt when the coach turned over. Temperature was minus 14 but was somehow unaffected by the cold when I crawled out of the ceiling hatch without a jacket to help the others.

What is your greatest regret?

I do not have any great regrets. I consider not being able to study art abroad would be my prime regret. Well, it’s never too late.

What is your most treasured possession?

I cannot consider my children to be possessions as they belong less as they grow older. So I can say that it is my ability to paint.

Which talent would you most like to have apart from the ones you already have?

Definitely the ability to play a musical instrument. I love piano most of all. Guitar or the flute would make good options though.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Those unfortunate souls subjected to torture and cruelty.

Where would you like to live?

I am happy to live in Malta however if I really had to chose an option I would go for Italy somewhere in the Tuscany region.

What is your most marked characteristic?

My terrible forgetfulness. I am truly appalling and live my life looking for things. In the last two months I lost three pairs of spectacles, two watches and my mobile. Luckily I managed to trace the mobile.

Who are your heroes/heroines in real life?

My hero for most of my life has been Ian Anderson, the man behind the rock group Jethro Tull. The music he composed and played has had a profound influence on me.

What is it that you most dislike?

People who have no consideration for others.

What is your motto?

True accomplishment can only be achieved with hard work.

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