The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Court: Romanian Pleads guilty to stealing woman’s purse

Malta Independent Friday, 18 May 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

A Romanian butcher, who said he is in Malta on holiday, was yesterday jailed for six months suspended for two years after pleading guilty to stealing a woman’s purse from her handbag as she was shopping.

Virgil Carpita, 50, was accused of stealing Mary Camilleri’s purse containing nearly Lm200 in cash as well as several credit cards and other documents.

The court, presided over by Magistrate Jacqueline Padovani heard how Carpita was caught red-handed as he stole Ms Camilleri’s purse from her handbag, which was on a trolley as she was shopping at Arkadia Supermarket in St Julian’s.

Police Inspector Martin Sammut said the security officer saw Carpita stealing the purse through the closed circuit television system and immediately intercepted the man, who had hidden the stolen purse behind items on one of the shelves.

Magistrate Padovani jailed the man for six months suspended for two years.

Police Inspector Martin Sammut prosecuted while Dr Patrick Valentino appeared for the Romanian man.

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