The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Court: Chief Justice Attends Paris meeting

Malta Independent Tuesday, 17 July 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

Chief Justice Vincent De Gaetano is currently in Paris to attend a meeting between presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union and the Supreme Court of the United States.

The meeting – the first of its kind since the setting up of the Network of Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union – will take place in the Paris premises of the Court of Cassation. A number of topics of common interest to Supreme Courts of the EU and the US Supreme Court will be discussed, including the vetting and selection of appeals to the Supreme Courts, the training of judges and subsidiarity in federal states.

During the absence of the Chief Justice, Mr Justice Joseph David Camilleri will be acting Chief Justice.

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