The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Abuse Discouraging part-timers – MLP

Malta Independent Thursday, 11 October 2007, 00:00 Last update: about 18 years ago

Helena Dalli, Labour Party spokesperson on women’s rights, said that after 10 years of the government dragging its feet to improve on what the Labour government and unions had done on behalf of part-timers, who were granted pro rata benefits such as leave and sick leave, there was widespread abuse of the law.

She said there were reports, which were confirmed by the unions, that some employers were forcing their part-time workers to resign and re-register as self-employed, to be employed as such. This would allow the employers to avoid paying them the benefits they were entitled to as part-time workers.

Ms Dalli said the government should stop this abuse. It was not only creating hardship but was also discouraging many women from re-joining the labour market.

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