The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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President Concludes official visit to Santa Venera

Malta Independent Monday, 24 November 2008, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

President Eddie Fenech Adami described Santa Venera as a village where which has expanded due to new residents, but has managed to create unity between the old community and the new.

Dr Fenech Adami was speaking at the end of a two-day visit to the village. Yesterday, Dr Fenech Adami and Mrs Fenech Adami attended Mass at the parish church, which has existed for 90 years. The President said that Santa Venera had history and residents with a sense of community – referring to meetings he had with various local voluntary organisations. The President paid a visit to the St Joseph’s Convent and the Good Samaritans. He also met members of the Santa Venera Philharmonic Society, children attending the local football nursery, the Romeo Romano Gardens and spoke to local boys scouts, girl guides and members of M.U.S.E.U.M.

Mrs Fenech Adami paid a visit to the Apap Institute, the Vincenzo Bugeja Conservatory and various families from the locality.

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