The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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In today’s issue of The Malta Independent on Sunday

Malta Independent Sunday, 9 March 2014, 07:30 Last update: about 11 years ago

Survey: Majority believes next President is best-performing minister; PN voters rate Coleiro Preca higher than PL ones; Government’s first year rated positively – but not in Gozo

Interview with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat: Government is delivering

Muscat hints at major initiative for health sector

Exclusive: unpublished LNG risk report revealed

Opposition demands Ombudsman investigation of AFM transfers

Mario Monti: We need to focus on growth

Special eight-page feature: A year of Labour

I had always been prepared for my political sunset – Lawrence Gonzi

Government doing opposite to what PL promised in election campaign – PN leader

Alfred Mifsud: A year later - the true picture of unemployment

Alison Bezzina: When truth is stranger than fiction

Noel Grima: An exercise in superiority

Daphne Caruana Galizia: Dispatches from the liberal and progressive front

Stephen Calleja: One year, 12 issues

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