The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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In today’s issue of The Malta Independent on Sunday

Malta Independent Sunday, 20 July 2014, 07:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Syrian Lampedusa 11 October survivor: ‘My wife and daughter did not die for nothing’

Sai Mizzi Liang: Is she a diplomat or not?

Maltese in Libya want to be evacuated: ‘I never expected this government to treat us like this’

More planes from Libya arrive in Malta

FOI request on citizenship scheme: government breaks silence with lies

UN rights chief warns of 'disturbing lack of transparency' for government survveillance

Migrant corpses brought to Malta after yet another Lampedusa tragedy

Many questions still unanswered over citizenship scheme

Brangelina Gozo film to be entitled ‘By the Sea’

Marlene, Godfrey Farrugia criticise council elections proposal

11 October Lampedusa tragedy: ‘They tried to help us and made a big mistake... but I forgive them’

‘Paedophile tragedy could have been avoided’: Mgr Charles Scicluna

Hal Saflieni Hypogeum used ‘super-acoustics’ to alter states of consciousness


Debate & Analysis                           

Editorial: How many more must die before Europe takes action?

Noel Grima: Just like CET, worse than CET

Daphne Caruana Galizia: Do please stop protesting too much, Minister Dalli

Charles Flores: It just doesn’t work any more

Alison Bezzina: Party financing - is the world a stage?                                                     

Kenneth Charles Curmi: Work-Life Schmalance

Charlo Bonnici: Choices

Justyne Caruana: It’s the teamwork that counts

George Mangion: With €6bn of debt, a welcome Fiscal Responsibility Act



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