The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Marsascala local council in favour of American University at Zonqor; PL vice-mayor votes against

Kevin Schembri Orland Monday, 18 May 2015, 20:19 Last update: about 10 years ago

The Marsaskala Local Council is in favour of the proposed American University of Malta site in Marsaskala. The Council took a vote today which ended 5 in favour 4 against.

Mayor Mario Calleja allowed each Councillor around 2 minutes to say their piece on the project. First to speak was PN Councillor John Baptiste Camilleri.

He agrees that the project be built in the south, however not on ODZ land. "Who are we representing? If we are representing the residents I must ask... who will benefit from the project?"

He stressed that the project will choke Marsascala and described it as "aggressive development". He explained that Marsaskala already has a problem with Public Transport and drainage, adding that this project will aggravate the problem. He argued that the building being three storeys high is not saying exactly how high the building is and requested that the height be given in metres. "I feel we are not being treated as a Council. We still don't have a copy of the footprint. The development seems to be double the size of Zonqor estate".

He argued that people live in Marsascala for the peace and quiet, adding that should this development occur, the character of the area will drastically change. He stressed that the population would rise by around 5,000. He was against the project on ODZ land and wants to push for the creation of the National Park instead.

PL Councillor Daniel Spiteri mentioned that Marsaskala has been looking for sports facilities for quite a while and that this University will provide residents with such facilities. He stressed that the development will give existing sports clubs the needed facilities as well, adding that the project would also help them through resources, research and branding. He mentioned that Melita football ground as well as Luxol were built on ODZ land. He also added that youths of the area will be exposed to university level students, who would thus give a good example.

PL Councillor Lawrence Ciantar agreed and said that youths cannot keep playing in a corner and thus need proper facilities. He stressed that the area has seen a number of projects, such as the recycling plant as well as the drainage plant dumped on it regardless of protests, yet governments of the past ignored them. He stressed that the project would help the south regenerate and mentioned that Prime Minister Muscat stated that the location of the project is not final. He voted in favour.

PL Councillor Elizabeth Cassar kept her intervention short, mentioning the importance of sports for youth as well as education. She voted in favour.

Charlot Mifsud, the PL Councillor, stressed that Marsascala is associated with the recycling plant, explaining that this project would help the locality be identified with education. He stressed that people began to leave the locality after the recycling project took place. This project will make it possible for youths to have an area for recreational activities, he explained. He voted in favour.

PN Councillor Sandro gatt disagrees with the project, emphasising that the land is Outside the Development Zone. He stressed that businesses are not the only sector of society that should be considered.  He voted against the project.

PN Councillor Charlot Cassar also voted against, explaining that the area is of ecological importance as well as scientific and agricultural importance. "The people there are afraid and have no idea what will happen, and it is important to keep the livelihood of the farmers in mind". He stressed that those saying the project will be good for the community are working off assumptions. "All we know is that it will be built on ODZ land and will be stolen from us by a foreigner". He stressed that the nature park will be half the size of what it is supposed to be should the project go through. As for sports, he said that the project will end the chance for the locality to have sports facilities and local teams will be reliant on the university.

PL Deputy Mayor Desiree Attard voted against the project, stressing that she has met with many people and most do not want it built on ODZ land. She asked councillors "have you spoken to people?"

She mentioned that the council should fight for the family park and see sports facilities built there. She stressed that in the past the council has fought against damaging development, and mentioned the various plants in the area as example, asking why they wouldn't fight now. "The Nature Park has been in the local plan since 2006". She spoke of the farmers, mentioning that the people benefit from their fruit and vegetables. She voted against the project.

Mayor Mario Calleja mentioned that he hadn't spoken to many people on the issue however those he did, he explained the project to them and put their mind at ease. He stressed that at no time will views be obstructed due to the project. He reiterated that the Prime Minister said that farmers on the Nature Park land will not have their livelihoods taken away.

"Thank God for the 115 million euro project," he said, adding that the Council will need to receive funds to sort out the public transport in the area as well as drainage works etc. He added that people will have a chance to object to the project if they like.


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