The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Front Ħarsien ODZ welcomes Church commitment on land protection

Saturday, 13 June 2015, 11:35 Last update: about 10 years ago

The Front Ħarsien ODZ welcomed the fact the Church said it will be committing itself to a land protection policy as regards any future development on its part. However it also feels that it is its duty to add its voice to that of the environmental NGOs and call on the Church authorities to abandon its two applications to build Church schools in Għaxaq.

In a statement, the movement said tThis project would obliterate more than 77,000 square metres of agricultural land, including rubble walls and mature trees and is only marginally smaller than the Zonqor Point development. 

There is still time to save this land, and the Church has an opportunity to give a powerful example to the rest of society, strengthening the environmental conscience of the nation on environmental and also ethical and moral grounds. We call on the church to not only seriously reconsider but also relocate this project inside the development zone, or alternatively negotiate with the Government to occupy one of the presently empty public schools.

In line with its remit, the Front shall remain vigilant of and seek to protect all ODZ indiscriminately. Front Ħarsien ODZ also added that it will soon be announcing the replies from MPs and Party leaders regarding ODZ and the upcoming national protest on the proposed Żonqor development on Saturday 20 June. The Front will also will tackle other pending ODZ proposals in the future.

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