The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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PN, Democratic Party close to a deal – Marlene Farrugia

Tuesday, 24 January 2017, 07:35 Last update: about 8 years ago

The Nationalist Party and the Democratic Party are close to forming a deal to form one front in fighting against the government, PD leader Marlene Farrugia said.

In her regular blog in Maltese published on The Malta Independent website, Dr Farrugia says that “Malta needs a stable, strong and honest government.

“The Democratic Party and a clean PN put together can give this to the people.

“This is what we will do.

“There are a few things on which we still have to agree, matters that make sure that the people are not deceived again as it happened with the Movement that started as Taghna Lkoll (belonging to all of us) and ended up Taghhom biss (theirs only).”

The idea that the PN and PD were aiming to join forces had been broken by The Malta Independent on 21 September last year, when Dr Farrugia was to meet PN leader Simon Busuttil to discuss the way forward.

Dr Farrugia had said that that she was ready to work towards setting up a national coalition to ensure better governance, real social justice and the safeguarding of the environment. She had said that this is the best gift one could give to the country on its 52nd anniversary since it attained Independence.

It is not known whether the discussions that took place will eventually lead to the formation of a coalition, and what this would entail if this will take place. But Dr Farrugia’s words in her blog are another confirmation that the PN and the PD are closer to forming one

Dr Farrugia, who was elected on behalf of the PL, resigned from the Labour Party in November 2015 and continued to serve in Parliament as an independent MP. She later became the founder of the Democratic Party.

She took part in two Nationalist Party activities in protest against the use of ODZ land in Marsascala for the building of a new University and the Panama Paper scandal.

Dr Farrugia’s blog can be read here

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