The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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Entitlement and privilege corrupt

Rachel Borg Saturday, 10 March 2018, 08:35 Last update: about 7 years ago

Maybe this whole European Funds for new member states has stretched our imagination a bit too far making many believe that rather than a means of aligning less developed countries to the highly developed ones, it is some sort of right or entitlement for the privilege of having our little island join this organisation.

This could not be further from the truth.  With the funds that Fenech Adami and then Lawrence Gonzi and his team in Brussels were able to negotiate, Malta has been able to grow economically and build an infrastructure to cope with the growth and prosperity that can be expected from a well-managed economy, as closely in line with other European countries as possible.

With membership came responsibility towards other member states and the Union and a shared political understanding about the values of the European Union.  This has led to many rules, conventions and common agreements so that there could be an equitable and sustainable social, economic, political and environmental foundation for development for the good of the people of Europe.

Only, that is, until some states have started to go rogue and exploit the same principles for their personal benefit.  Out with solidarity and in with entitlement.  The new perspective fails to see that contributions received are not rights and do not belong to you to dispose of without giving account and abiding by the rules and freedom of expression.

Unfortunately, in Malta and maybe not just Malta, this principle has become twisted and reflected onto the receiver as an entitlement.  Politicians here will get their pension without working for it.  Sure, that is not dependent on European funds but arises from this runaway bizarre mis-use of our taxes in complete disrespect for the ordinary tax-payer, as though there is no relationship to earning an income.

This idea has now expanded to not just taking the funds for granted and disposing of national assets on the sly, but also to jeopardising the unity of the organisation by seeking privilege and treating the rules with contempt.  Whether it is the EU Parliament, Committees, enquiries or judgements, there is a rapidly falling sense of proportion in our cooperation and an attitude, if not an actual, corruption of behaviour.This trait has not always been evident in our people.  The Maltese people have been known to be friendly, proportionate in their dealings, generous and not expecting anything which they were not entitled to.  This has changed drastically.

A woman will storm into a headmistress’s office and attack her physically for a perceived threat to her grandchild, a journalist is murdered for uncomfortable truths, members of Parliament do not hesitate to hurl insults at one another, nothing is sacred, everything is permissible.  Not even protection for an unborn child is honoured.  The country is left to make do with a useless Commissioner of Police and for every institution to be made impotent. 

We think we are entitled to anything we want.  When it comes to their children and sports, this mentality becomes all- consuming amongst an ever- growing majority.  You hear people say, amongst much colourful and threatening language, that where their children are concerned no one will interfere or come in their way, even if it means walking out of a job or throwing a punch.  It would seem that getting a job is just a matter of knocking on the right door.   This also applies to their favourite hobby.  Hunting has become an entitlement rather than a sport and anyone who would deprive them of this is considered an enemy and a beast. 

Those who want a racing track will get it at any cost.  Those who choose to ignore corruption will soon have a seat at the table. When there is a tyranny in obtaining what you want, at the cost of what belongs to others, starting with an example from the very highest persons in the country, then everything becomes corrupt and we can no longer distinguish between common good and personal greed.

Equally, even forgiveness is now seen as an entitlement.  The expectation is that anyone who corrupts, bribes, steals, falsely accuses, commits adultery, perhaps even worse, watches vile porn or doesn’t pay taxes should not be held accountable to society because nobody is concerned about the rest of society and privilege is given out to whoever is ready to throw out the rule book and choose the golden calf. 

When others come around to point out the gross injustice and harm being caused by this mentality and outdated behaviour, they are quickly mobbed and thrown out of the tribe with insults and scorn. 

The first victim is the free media.  Being held to account is seen as a vile abuse of people’s rights and position of privilege.  An “injustice” to one becomes an injustice to all.  There is no distinction between truth and lies. 

Ironically, the next victims are the children themselves, being deprived of learning good values and presented with a sick image of what a good citizen is and having lost their freedom of speech.  They will fail to find peace and happiness in life and weaken society to an extent that it may be very difficult to ever regain that decent sense of pride and dignity that comes from achieving on merit and not on entitlement.

The chasm in the country will grow deeper and either many others will succumb to the tribal laws or else become resigned to the moral failure all around. 

At this point, the battle of wills is taking place over some candles and flowers in tribute to slain journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.  The division is causing strife.  The country is at the point of no return.  Where is the President in all this?  Who receives the medals in Malta?

This regime could very well lead to an exit from the European Union for Malta or being kicked out.  There is enough disdain to bring this about.  The President should see this and question where we are going.  We’re joining Britain ! will be the defense of such action.  We don’t need any foreigners telling us how to run our country, will be the shout. 

Having milked the coffers and lined the pavements with gold, rules are for fools and we will continue to shoot birds and pollute the air and make citizens of any one we chose to without having to report on it.  Of course, we live more and more in a today mentality, with instant gratification, thereby failing to grasp that our own life will become poor and miserable, the cancer factory of Delimara will look like a therapy room compared to the incinerator spewing out toxic poisons into the air, and nobody will want our passports without the value added of Europe. 

I am Maltese you know!!  Nobody should mess with me or they will have it coming to them!  All to become very, very familiar to us. 


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