The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Drunk young man found naked near school thought he was at the beach

Thursday, 14 June 2018, 16:00 Last update: about 7 years ago

A 20-year-old man has been conditionally discharged by a court after he was found naked close to a school in Bahrija.

Alexander Philipp Kolacz, who holds a Polish passport, was charged with committing an offence against decency and public morals, exposing himself and being drunk in a public place.

Kolcz was spotted by a teacher at the school who reported him to the police. No children were outside the school at the time of the incident.

Prosecuting inspector Elliot Magro told the court that the young man’s clothes were found further up the road and that he had been dropped off in Bahrija and told he was going to the beach.

Magistrate Claire Stafrace Zammit, presiding over the court of magistrates told Kolacz that what he had done was “quite silly”, adding that the fact that it had been done in the proximity of a children’s school made it “really bad”.

“Had you been at the beach, maybe it would have been acceptable,” added the Magistrate. “I don’t know what you were thinking.”

Kolacz apologised for his actions. “I want to say that I am sorry for what I did. What I did, I did while drunk and I wasn’t the master of my senses. I disrespected the law and I won’t do it again.” 

He said that he was not naked next to the school but rather in the green area in Bahrija. “This doesn’t make my case better, but I apologise deeply.”

Asked by the magistrate how long he planned to be in Malta, Kolacz said he was scheduled to leave at the end of June.

He submitted a guilty plea.

The court released the youngster on the condition that he did not commit another crime up until two months from today.

Inspectors Elliot Magro and Robert Vella prosecuted.

Simon Micallef Stafrace was legal aid.


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