The Malta Independent 14 February 2025, Friday
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World Risk Report ranks Malta as the world’s second-safest country for natural disasters again

Friday, 13 September 2019, 09:52 Last update: about 6 years ago

The annual World Risk Report has found Malta, once again, to be the world’s second-safest country when it comes to the prospect of a natural disaster. 

Malta was a runner-up to Qatar which has retained its spot as the world’s least susceptible country to natural disasters and for its ability to deal with one should it strike.


The risk index - drawn up by the Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict at the University of Bochum – ranks Saudi Arabia in third place.

The annual report tracks and ranks catastrophe risks for 180 countries. The index rates a country’s risk of extreme weather, disaster management capabilities, vulnerability and ability to adapt.

Overall, the report identified Oceania, Southeast Asia, Central America, and West and Central Africa as regions at high-risk of natural disasters. It also found that higher risk was closely linked to poverty and inequality.

The tropical island countries Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda, and Tonga were the nations most at risk to natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and rising sea levels. The risk for Vanuatu and Tonga has gone up since last year.

But the study also pointed out that a high threat of natural disaster does not necessarily put a country higher on the risk ranking. Rising sea levels present a high risk for the Netherlands, for example, but the country’s overall ranking is improved by ability to cope with the potential disasters it faces.  

Climate change has increased global water security issues and made society more vulnerable to natural disasters, according to the report. International efforts are necessary to curb the most devastating effects.

Securing access to clean water and protection against flooding and tsunamis is critical to safeguarding society against the effects of climate change.

The authors of the report called for local, national and international to disrupt the cycle of danger and vulnerability present in the most affected countries.

"Without the will of international society to uphold the Paris Climate Agreement, local initiatives like planting mangrove forests to contain coastal erosion or early warning systems and evacuation drills will have only limited success," the authors wrote.

Increasing occurrences of heat waves, hurricanes, and droughts mean water security is an ever-greater global issue. Water shortages could lead to wars, the 2019 report found.

“Politicians have to act swiftly in developing countries, in particular, to ensure all households have access to clean water,” said Peter Mucke, managing director of Entwicklung Hilft, the coalition that conducted the study. "After instances of extreme weather, the water supply needs to be restored quickly in order to ensure survival and prevent the spread of disease."

Poor families are particularly affected by water shortages. Many do not have running water in their homes and instead send their children to collect it from public stations. This often costs money, meaning the poorest are paying the most for water. It also keeps their children from attending school.


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