Alternattiva Demokratika is requesting the Speaker of the House of Representatives to publish a report drawn up by the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life on Konrad Mizzi's appointment as a consultant to the MTA.
Last January Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo had requested the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life to investigate the appointment of Konrad Mizzi as a consultant with the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA). Yesterday, Carmel Cacopardo was informed that the investigation has been concluded, AD said in a statement.
AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said: “Yesterday I was informed by the office of the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life that the investigation that I, on behalf of Alternattiva Demokratika, had requested last January has been concluded and that the final report had been submitted to Parliament's standing committee on Standards in Public Life.
"In January I asked for an investigation into the circumstances through which Konrad Mizzi, who had just resigned as Minister of Tourism, was appointed a consultant to the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA). In particular, I asked that Joseph Muscat, Gavin Gulia and Johann Buttigieg be investigated in their capacity as Prime Minister, Chairman and CEO of the MTA respectively.
"This morning, at my request, I met with Dr George Hyzler, Commissioner for Standards in Public Life, and requested a copy of the report. Dr. Hyzler informed me that he could not give me a copy because only the Speaker could do so by law.
"From information on the Commissioner of Standards in Public Life’s own website, it is explained that an investigation report which details the breach of standards of someone who has been investigated will not be released by the Commissioner. Therefore, in my opinion, it seems clear that the Commissioner has in fact found that there are serious shortcomings in the circumstances surrounding Konrad Mizzi’s appointment. As had happened when the Commissioner concluded that Joseph Muscat had failed ethically when he accepted Petrus wine from Yorgen Fenech, the report will go to the Parliamentary committee.
"Earlier today I called Speaker Anglu Farrugia and asked for a copy of the report. He assured me that as soon as he has the authorization of the House Committee he will publish the report. It is in the interests of transparency that this report is published immediately."